The signup phase for Solarize LSW ended on February 28. Now the results are official!
For solar photovoltaics (PV), LSW added 53 systems for a total capacity of 407 kW (Lincoln 15 systems for 107.1 kW, Sudbury 11 systems for 75.9 kW, Wayland 27 systems for 224 kW).
For solar hot water, 27 systems for 2150 square feet of collectors – an equivalent of 84 kW (Lincoln 10 systems for 29 kW, Sudbury 2 systems for 8 kW, Wayland 15 systems for 47 kW).
That means that, 0ver all, community participants in Lincoln, Sudbury and Wayland collectively contracted to install 80 clean technology systems.
Stay tuned for some lessons learned, contextual analysis, and the all-important “what’s next”?