We are now learning that the recent update from the climate scientists, citing 2030 as a deadline for change, is actually too conservative. Our 350Mass network of activists is expressing a greater sense of urgency, and that energy has brought together the State-wide Steering Team twice in the past two weeks, to process our predicament together, and to work through all the ideas submitted to our Campaign Selection Summit in the context we now find ourselves facing. Volunteers and staff are now busy distilling and focusing our network’s priorities for the next 2 years.
Join us on Thursday, December 6, at Peace Lutheran Church, 107 Concord Road, Wayland, MA at 7:00pm. 350Mass Metrowest node will share these priorities, and plan our next actions. Help us become better advocates for our planet. Help us chart a path forward to make a difference in Metrowest.
First time visitors are especially welcome; come learn and share. 350Mass is a statewide, grassroots, climate action group dedicated to promoting citizen awareness and political action on climate change. Our Metrowest node public meetings usually happen the first Thursday of the month, with locations changing to accommodate learners, supporters, and activists from towns around the region. All are invited to participate in the breakout groups for the local initiatives as well as in the informal planning group that meets on dates prior to the monthly meeting. There will also be a chance for participants to share news and announcements from their organizations and municipalities. Arrive early to mingle. Light refreshments will be available.
For more information about climate change and the Metrowest node, visit: