Transition is local but local fits into (bio)regional! Join the conversation about Region-Wide Resilience on Saturday, March 15, 2014, from 10am – 4:30pm, at Antioch U in Keene, NH.
Many Transitioners recognize our profound interconnection with each other, and our important moral obligations to neighboring communities. None of us is resilient until all of us are. We recognize that deeper resilience would engage the whole region as our communities are nested in larger systems of culture, climate and exchange. Now many are wondering: what would region-wide resilience look like?
Watch this video and go to this page for more info and to sign up.
Registration starts at 9:30. Address: Antioch University, 40 Avon Street , Keene, NH .
Cost? No cost, it’s a gift.
Coffee, light breakfast, and lunch provided. Donations will be requested to help defray costs. In-home hospitality is available on a first come, first served basis.
Email us if you want to join the carpool.