NEWS: TW and WECC are now an MCAN Chapter!

How is that for some acronyms? As of June 2017, Transition Wayland and the Wayland Energy and Climate Committee are an MCAN – Massachusetts Climate Action Network – Chapter!

MCAN focuses on:


Communities, businesses, and individuals can all take immediate steps against the growing threats of climate change. This can be done by implementing local clean energy projects, improving local policies on energy, waste, and transportation, and by switching to more efficient lighting, appliances, vehicles and heating and cooling systems; allowing us to significantly reduce our carbon footprint.

MCAN works with more than 40 communities around Massachusetts to help them take action against climate change, and sends an electronic newsletter to thousands of members across the commonwealth. Our annual Local Environmental Action Conference features workshops, panels and keynotes dedicated to the hundreds of activists, professionals, and others who want to work on solutions to global warming.

MCAN reflects and enhances the strength of its many chapters around the state. We help our chapters to get local energy projects up and running, draft climate action plans, pass municipal by-laws and resolutions, set up energy committees, and reach out to the public. We also provide help with implementing MCAN programs in local communities.


MCAN works collaboratively with our many chapters and other organizations to change and strengthen climate change and clean energy policies in Massachusetts.  MCAN works with chapters, partners, and state officials to ensure that we continue on this positive path for change.

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