Minutes for this meeting are here.
We invite you to our meeting on Tuesday 13 December, 7-9 PM, at the Peace Lutheran Church on 107 Concord Road.
If there is a cause dear to your heart that you want to see realized or helped, share it with us. We often get suggestions and requests for help with community projects, or requests to promote other groups’ events or collaborate. Over the years we have gathered skills, experience and connections that may be of help to you.
We thank Peace Lutheran for hosting us. We would all like to chip in for a small donation for the use of the building and the heating.
DRAFT agenda:
- Welcome, introductions, comments & questions from new people
- Check-in on recent events:
- ICB event on Sunday
- Updates on running, starting, proposed programs:
- Plastic Bag Ban
- TW co-petitioner?
- Who TW liaison (or co-petitioner)?
- open up to community?
- Inauguration Day at the Schools: Andrea
- Wayland Energy Advisory Committee: Kaat
- What are they doing?
- Closer collaboration: MCAN affiliate with TW?
- Who TW liaison?
- Solarize 2017?
- TW Community Gardening: Tony
- explain plot: invite others
- set early January meeting to discuss
- compost?
- reminder NOFA Winter Conference (1/14) early bird deadline = 12/15!!!
- Wayland Walks: Katy
- buddies for next walks
- Plastic Bag Ban
- Outreach:
- Movie Age of Consequences?
- Movie Uplifting with Library and/or First Parish?