On February 12, the Transition Wayland Inner Work Group will open a participatory gathering for sharing what we are often not allowed to express: our pain, grief, guilt, fear, and even our inexplicable joy in the face of climate change and what is happening in our world.
- Location: Church of the Holy Spirit, 169 Rice Road, Wayland, MA 01778.
- Please come at least ten minutes early so we have time to get settled and can begin at 7:30 sharp.
- There is no need to register, but you can send me an email if you plan to come, so we have some idea of how many we’ll be.
As this is our second gathering, we are still finding our way. On the agenda are: getting to know one another, making connections, sharing our gifts, determining what we need and how can we commit, planning meetings.
This group comes out of the kick-off event, the all-day workshop of the Work That Reconnects, which took place on November 8. Among the many gifts that were shared there was the assurance of a deep need for regular gatherings where to explore our inner responses to the Transition we aspire to for the sake of humanity and our earth.
Share this invitation! All are welcome! Feel free to email Kaat with questions.