On Saturday, August 31, at 10 am, join Wayland Walks, Rabbi Katy Allen, and Reverend Fred Moser for an outdoor interfaith morning walk at the Heard Conservation Area on Saturday morning.
We will share spiritual readings, songs, prayers, time for silent meditation, and a conversation about our shared spiritual connections to the Earth, and in between we will pick a few of the fruits from the revitalized orchard on the Conservation Area. Among other topics, we will touch on themes of our connection to the natural world and the Jewish High Holidays.
Meet at 10:00 AM at the parking lot at the end of Heard Road off Pelham Island road; bring your favorite reading about apples, nature, or anything else that inspires you; and bring your friend or neighbor.
This walk is open to all and is sponsored by Wayland Walks, Transition Wayland, Ma’yan Tikvah, and the Church of the Holy Spirit. For more information, email rabbi@mayantikvah.org or call 508-358-5996.