On Wednesday, July 12 at 7:30 pm at the Town Building, join the energetic Wayland Energy and Climate Committee and learn about what they’ve been up to and have planned. All good things!
7:30 p.m. Call to Order by Chair Public Comment
7:35 p.m. NEEP Webinar, Buzz Presentation, GC article well done!
7:45 p.m. Green Communities Grant Plan for spending grant: How can Committee assist? Prioritizing projects:
- Streetlights
- EVsNissan Leafs and PHEVFusion
- Charging Stations
- TB Lighting o Bus hybrid conversion
8:25 p.m. NonGrant Projects Resiliency Grant Town Building Heating/Cooling
8:35 p.m. Energize/Solarize Wayland, Lincoln, Sudbury, Natick
8:55 p.m. Miscellaneous business Utility Rate case Bloomberg Article/USClimate Alliance Goal Setting
Schedule Next Meeting
Approve Meeting Minutes 6/13/17
9:10 p.m. Business Not Reasonably Anticipated by Chair 9:15 p.m. Adjourn