The Energy Committee values the input of our residents! Please join them at their next meeting on Tuesday, January 10, from 7:30-9 PM, at the Town Building. All are invited!
We will be joined by guest speaker Jillian Wilson-Martin, Natick’s Sustainability Coordinator, to talk about their experience with community electricity aggregation and electric vehicles.
Posted agenda:
7:30 p.m. Call to Order by Chair
Public Comment
7:35 p.m. Introductions
7:45 p.m. Jillian Wilson Martin, Sustainability Coordinator, Natick
- Discussing Community energy aggregation, electric and other vehicle innovations, Natick sustainability initiatives
8:45 p.m. HVAC at Middle School
9:00 p.m. Green Community Grant – Deadline March 1
9:10 p.m. Updates on Current Projects
- Streetlights
- Municipal Solar Projects
- Resiliency Grant
9:20 p.m. Miscellaneous business
- Committee Name Change
- Schedule Next Meeting
- Approve meeting Minutes 12/1/16
9:35 p.m. Business Not Reasonably Anticipated by Chair
9:40 p.m. Adjourn