On Thursday, 12/8, the 350Mass MetrowestNode will host Lisa Young, our state Climate Justice Partnerships Organizer at Better Future Project, who will lead an open discussion about environmental justice. Ms.Young has a B.S. in Chemistry, an M.S. in City Planning, and lots of experience in the climate justice movement. My backyard links directly to your backyard when we think about the pain of our fossil fuel economy for the Massachusetts and the world. But we must recognize that climate change does not affect all people equally. Many poor and minority communities disproportionately suffer the negative effects of environmental degradation. As advocates, we must be aware of the ways in which injustices intersect with one another. As we improve our energy sourcing, we can be conscious of the broader picture in order to improve our shared backyard and ensure a cleaner, more equitable future for everyone. We are in this together.
At the Common Street Spiritual Center, 13 Common Street, in Natick. Light refreshments available.
For more information about climate change and the 350 Massachusetts Metrowest node: