From Thursday 15 to Wednesday 21 September, Kaat Vander Straeten will be blogging here about her experiences helping to pilot a New England local food challenge called the “Omnivore’s Delight”. One week, a household of five, lots of kale, in daily blog posts.
With the “Omnivore’s Delight Diet,” Food Solutions New England aims to explore what it would take for New Englanders to produce 50% of their own food here in the region by 2060 (find a pdf of their book here). The “diet” has not been tried or piloted, until now: a group of people in the NERT (New England Resilience and Transition) Food Group are about to take the first steps on the uncharted path(s).
Hi everyone,
I invite you to read along as I try to involve my 11-year-old, husband, and parents-in-law in the search for local food, resources and opportunities, all the while keeping track of the flavors, calories, $$, obstacles and scarcities. I will record daily observations and experiments, interview farmers, gardeners, shopkeepers and the diners around the table, and think out loud about the political, economic and ethical implications.
The challenge runs from Thursday 15 to Wednesday 21 September 2016. The blog posts will remain accessible after that as well. You are welcome to comment, offer advice, question along with me.
Some of the goals for this pilot are to raise awareness about Food Vision for New England and to make the challenge accessible to a wider audience. Email me if you are interested in doing the challenge yourself at a later date.