On Sunday, November 8, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm, learn about the Autumn Berry (Autumn Olive), how to harvest, prepare and eat them. Followed by optional autumn picnic and walk.
The Autumn Berry is an invasive deciduous bush native to Asia. It bears edible berries that are extremely high in cholesterol-lowering lycopene, flavonoids and vitamins, and they taste delicious! Learn how to identify the bush and berries, and how to pick them safely. In this class you will learn to make the berries into a healthful berry-aide drink and also make them into a puree that is useful for both smoothies and fruit leather. Students are given recipes and Autumn Olive guide. Rachel Goclawski, knowledgeable and delightful forager and teacher, will be our leader. Bring your lunch if you’d like to stay for the picnic, or if it is too chilly for that, we’ll take a short walk through the Upper Mill Brook after the class. Ages 5 and up. This event is co-sponsored by Peace Lutheran Church.
Where: Peace Lutheran Church, 107 Concord Road, Wayland
$8-15 for adults, $4-8 for children, more if you can, less if you can’t