Join us in planning the 2015 Wayland Town Garden!
With our climate and economy fluctuating, it’s important to create more resiliency in our community, especially with regard to food production. Locally grown produce is likely to be fresher and more nutritious, saving energy on transportation and providing produce as other sources become more restricted (such as California in a drought). Transition Wayland’s community garden plot (actually two connecting plots) is about 39 x 45 feet and is configured with 10 double-dug beds, each approximately 4 x 15 feet. The soil is quite good and the garden is very sunny. Plus a water spigot is next to the garden.
No expertise is required. Participation can be occasional or regular. Tasks include planning, digging, planting, watering, weeding and harvesting. Side benefits include sharing in the harvest, access to fresh air and sunshine, and camaraderie.
Our approach is based on John Jeavons’ method described in How to Grow More Vegetables, and Fruits, Nuts, Berries, Grains, and Other Crops Than You Ever Thought Possible on Less Land Than You Can Imagine, Eighth Edition.
Contact for more info.
Read some of the history of the Community Garden Plots here.