Minutes – Meeting of 2/16/2017

Note taker: Janot

Katy, Jane, Ann, John, Paul, Tony, Margie, Jenn, Fran, Janot, Nyanna, Debbie from Natick, works in Wayland, interested in learning about Transition.

Welcome to new members, introductions


Request to Tony to post his solar panel data on TW website.

TW and internet safety: TW has no objection to putting Aina’s information events/workshops on our calendar, newsletter, etc.)?

Aina is a resource on this issue, her Cryptoparty workshops are sharing knowledge/skill.

 Zero Waste speaker: beginning of a trash – recycling education outreach program

 Jenn will pursue! With Molly, Marcia, Jean and Kaat.

The Library has bought the screening right for A Small Good Thing and the screening is booked for Sat. 4/29, which is Earth Day time.

Wayland Walks: Katy, Andrea, Kaat gearing up, talking to Park & Rec

Bag and container bans: Paul: Time to roll out a campaign. Warrant articles go in tomorrow (Jan 18). Need to focus on why Wayland should do this; nostalgia for pristine environment; we’ve only been using plastic bags since about 1985!

  • Press: Paul talk to Kaat about website. Wayland e-news (Jane will introduce Kim Reichart), Paul in touch w/Linda Segal Michael Short, WHS – is AP envt offered?
  • Need to ask for letters of endorsement: ConComm (Paul), FinComm (tough – John & Janot), Board of Selectmen (Paul), BoH (Jane will talk w/her friend on the board), Garden Club (Janot will talk to Carmela), LWV (John talk to Gretchen Schuler), SVT (Fran), BTT, Inc. (Janot), Energy Advisory Committee (Wynn), Dudley Pond Assn (Janot talk to Janet Hadingham), Pinebrook Assn (Jane talk to Malcolm Astley), Cubscouts (Wynn), Girlscouts (Katy talk to Marcia Berger), LEES group (Janot talk to Joan Blair), Wayland Cleans Up (Molly), Green Team (Wynn), WWAIG (Nyanna & Janot), Wayland Child Parent Assn (Jenn)
  • Events: Bag It! Minuteman library owns a copy & on youtube! Jane will talk to library about a movie night at the COA. Phonathon during ATM.

ENERGIZE:  BIG picture: climate change outreach/net zero/Climate Accord town resolution. Janot, maybe you could quickly list our brainstorm (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZsI-5r_ToG2SnaxbksAzEFLVQbum-p8W91fTjNzE8RY/edit?usp=sharing) to give people an overview off what is all possible.

  • The towns (L,S,W and Natick) are putting their Energize teams together. Let’s ask who around the table wants to be involved in this, or part of it.
  • TW’s contribution to Energize in Wayland: Earth Day 2017? Brainstorm, again, it will get its own meeting: just taking the group’s pulse: series of articles on what’s going on, w/standard introductory paragraph – could be ENERGIZE, beautifucation, Transition Display board, poster session in Town Bldg hallways.Subgroups that are planning events could come under one umbrella. Display in the library. Skillshare – much enjoyed but huge effort (backlash to simplify)! Facebook page: John Landry will do one. Suggestion to tie in with things already going: plastic / polysty bans, LEDS,

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